Tag: polyhouse accessories
polyhouse accessories :-
polyhouse accessories not only provides a basic protective cover for plants, but also offers an impressive range of advantages that finally results in healthier and stronger plants. The prime use of the film is to maintain an ambient temperature for development of crops. In addition to this, it retains heat in the soil and aid in crop growth.
Poly house
Poly house farming is slowly gaining popularity in India. A farmer can make huge profit from polyhouse farming. But there are many people who aren’t aware of what exactly is a polyhouse or greenhouse hence today in this blog we will tell you all about polyhouse and its benefits. So let’s start.
Benefits of polyhouse Wall covering
Polyhouse is very beneficial for the farmers specially those who prefer organic farming. here are few of the benefits of a polyhouse:
- Your plants are grown under controlled temperature thus there is less chances of crop loss or damage.
- You can grow crops throughout the year and will not have to wait for any particular season.
- There are less pests and insects in a polyhouse.
- External climate will not have any impact of the growth of crops.
- Quality of produce is obviously higher in polyhouse.
- Good drainage and aeration
- Propagation of Ornamental Crops can also be done effortlessly in a polyhouse.
- Poly House gives the right environmental facilities to your plants in any season.
- It also increases yield for about 5 to 10 times.
- Less cropping period
- Fertilizer application is easier and is controlled automatically with the help of drip irrigation.
- Uniform and better quality
- Reduction in labour cost
- Less fertilizer requirement, thus reduction in fertilizer cost.
- Low water requirement thus saving in water.
- Less chances of disease attack, thus reduction in disease control cost.
- Higher Efficiency of Water & Fertilizer Use.
- Cultivation in problematic soil conditions.
- Cultivation in problematic climate conditions.
- Requires less area to get maximum yield and benefits.