Organic Turmeric Cultivation

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Grow Turmeric in Your Polyhouse

People often wonder how to grow turmeric in polyhouse. Since it’s not very cold tolerant. But with the right greenhouse, you can grow the spicy herb indoors, even during winter. To give you an idea of what Turmeric cultivation in Polyhouse might be like.

Want to add diversity to your vegetable garden? Consider growing turmeric in your polyhouse, instead of the usual crops. Turmeric, otherwise known as Curcuma longa. Has been used in cooking and medicine since ancient times.

Turmeric cultivation in Polyhouse

Also known as Indian saffron, turmeric adds a distinct flavour and color to many curries and cheeses. While also acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant. With little effort, you can grow turmeric in your polyhouse!

Here are 10 reasons why you should start Cultivating turmeric today-

Turmeric Production in poly house

  1. Great Investment

Considering how well turmeric sells, growing it is an excellent idea if you have extra space for a small garden. Growing your own turmeric lets you harvest at your own pace.

Turmeric takes approximately 6 months to grow from planting to harvest. So if you don’t have immediate needs for your crop. For storage, make sure to keep it in a dry place and store it in glass containers with airtight lids.

  1. Higher Earnings

Home-grown turmeric absorbs more arsenic from contaminated soil than turmeric imported from elsewhere. Eating turmeric grown at home instead of buying turmeric from elsewhere. Is a good way to reduce your intake of arsenic, which can cause certain cancers and affect heart health.

Two months after transplanting. Every 10 days or so will ensure you’ll have a consistent supply over several months.

Vertical turmeric farming 

  1. Removes Arsenic From Soil

According to researchers, soil contaminated with arsenic is one of the main causes of many types of cancer. This is because when humans consume foods grown in arsenic-contaminated soil.

The best way to remove arsenic from the soil is by growing turmeric! Simply plant your turmeric root cuttings right next to your carrots, potatoes and other root vegetables.

They will be able to absorb most of those dangerous elements. Before they can poison you or your family members.

  1. Easy Availability of Nursery Roots

Planting plants from a nursery is a very easy and convenient way to start a new crop. By purchasing plants from a specialist garden centre. You can save valuable time and effort. Which can be spent on your other crops. It is much easier to transplant existing roots than it is to grow them from seed. So buying nursery plants will improve yields by leaps and bounds.

In addition, these plants are likely to have been well looked after at their nursery, meaning they have experienced minimum stress prior to transplantation into your polytunnel. This again leads to greater overall productivity.

Less Pest Damage: The use of a polytunnel will increase plant density in comparison with growing them outdoors. Leading inevitably to greater quantities of aphids and harmful insects. That attack brassicas or tomatoes for example. If left unchecked these pests will feast upon leaves until nothing remains but skeletons of leaves.

  1.   Good For Cold Climates

Turmeric requires warm conditions, which means your plants will have a good chance of thriving if you live in a warm region. However, it can grow even in cold regions with adequate protection from frost and cold weather. In addition to that. Turmeric’s growth is very rapid compared to other plants. So harvesting happens quickly. In just about 3 months. You will have an abundant harvest of delicious turmeric ready for use!

Vertical turmeric farming cost

  1. Turmeric Cultivation in Polyhouse, Can Be Harvested Twice a Year

As most gardeners know, the growing season is short. Planting a crop that can be harvested twice a year. And produces through summer and fall. Can help extends your harvest window. It’s ideal for growers who are just starting out. Or who have less time to spend tending to their garden?

With polyhouses, it’s easier than ever before to grow food all year long. The structure can withstand winter storms with proper support. There’s no need to tear everything down each autumn once temperatures drop below freezing.  Without any additional work on your part.

  1. Success Rate Is Very High for Turmeric cultivation

According to many studies, Turmeric is a wonderful remedy for various ailments. In India, turmeric has been extensively used as a spice and natural medicine since ancient times.

The beneficial properties of turmeric include anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial and antifungal effects. However, it is also recognized as a potential source of new bioactive compounds with high biological activity.

Growing Turmeric

Organic Turmeric Cultivation
Organic Turmeric Cultivation
  1. Promotes Biopesticides Industry In India

Many countries are adopting biopesticides, especially India. India is also working to encourage farmers to use bio-pesticides for pest control instead of chemicals. Which helps protect both their health and that of their communities. The government has already banned or restricted more than 300 pesticides. Those are found to be dangerous for humans and the environment.

About 25% of India’s population depends on farming as their source of income. It is not only crucial but necessary to preserve their health with biopesticides.

Using these natural pesticides allows people to save money. Since they do not have to invest in pesticide equipment. It also reduces environmental pollution. Because chemical pollutants affect soil fertility. Microbial activity and water quality resulting in lower crop yields.

Biopesticides offer an alternate mode of production without causing pollution. Such substances are nature friendly and will play a significant role in organic farming activities. Bio-based botanicals can help reduce costs by eliminating many costly fertilizers currently used in conventional agriculture.

  1. No Need For Green Thumb in Turmeric cultivation in Polyhouse

If you want to enjoy turmeric but aren’t a fan of gardening, there’s no need to fear! Growing turmeric is very easy. Just follow these simple steps. As turmeric grows well even in dry weather. Your patch can even become a weed-free mulch for your outdoor crops.

Use turmeric leaves or stubble as compost on carrots. And tomatoes for delicious organic fertilizers.

  1.   Indian Turmeric use

Its use as a culinary spice and dye for clothing goes back 4,000 years. Curcumin has been used as herbal medicine to treat joint pains, stomach disorders, liver problems and even cancer. Scientific studies have also found that curcumin can help improve memory and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It may also be beneficial for those who suffer from psoriasis and arthritis.

Advantages of growing turmeric in a polyhouse:

Growing turmeric in a polyhouse has several advantages, including:

  1. Controlled environment: In a polyhouse, the environment can be controlled, including temperature, humidity, light intensity, and irrigation. This ensures that the crop is protected from extreme weather conditions, pests, and diseases, which can result in better yield and quality.
  2. Extended growing season: Turmeric requires a warm and humid climate to grow well. A polyhouse can extend the growing season beyond the traditional season, which is limited by weather conditions. This allows for multiple harvests in a year, increasing the yield and profitability.
  3. Improved yield and quality: The controlled environment of a polyhouse can help improve the product and quality of turmeric by providing optimal growing conditions. It can also protect the crop from pests and diseases, reducing the need for pesticides and other chemicals.
  4. Water conservation: In a polyhouse, water can be conserved through drip irrigation, ensuring that the plants receive the required water without wastage. This is especially important in areas where water is scarce.
  5. Higher profitability: Growing turmeric in a polyhouse can result in higher profitability due to better yield and quality, extended growing seasons, and reduced input costs. It can also help farmers overcome market fluctuations and increase their income by selling the crop at a premium price.

Overall, growing turmeric in a polyhouse can provide a more sustainable and profitable option for farmers while also ensuring better quality and yield of the crop.

Design and construction of a polyhouse for turmeric cultivation:

Designing and constructing a polyhouse for turmeric cultivation requires careful planning and consideration of several factors. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Site selection: The site for the polyhouse should be flat, well-drain, and away from sources of pollution. It should also receive adequate sunlight and have access to water and electricity.
  2. Size and shape: The size and shape of the polyhouse will depend on the number of turmeric plants to be grown and the available space. A rectangular shape is familiar for polyhouses, as it maximizes the use of space and allows for the efficient use of materials.
  3. Frame construction: The frame of the polyhouse can be made of wood, bamboo, or metal. The structure should be sturdy enough to withstand wind and rain and tall enough to allow for proper air circulation and ventilation.
  4. Covering material: The covering material for the polyhouse can be made of polyethylene, polycarbonate, or fiberglass. Polyethylene is the most commonly used material, which is affordable and easy to install.
  5. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for the health of the turmeric plants. The polyhouse should have vents or windows that can be opened and closed to regulate temperature and humidity.

  6. Irrigation: Drip irrigation is the most efficient method of watering turmeric plants in a polyhouse. The irrigation system should be designed to provide water directly to the roots of the plants while minimizing water waste.
  7. Lighting: Turmeric plants require adequate sunlight for optimal growth. If natural light is insufficient, artificial lighting can supplement the light requirements.
  8. Flooring: The flooring of the polyhouse can be made of gravel or concrete to prevent waterlogging and provide a stable surface for the plants.

Overall, designing and constructing a polyhouse for turmeric cultivation requires careful planning and consideration of several factors. Ensuring that the polyhouse provides the optimal growing environment for turmeric plants and can withstand weather conditions and other environmental factors is essential.

Selection of turmeric varieties suitable for polyhouse cultivation:

The selection of turmeric varieties suitable for polyhouse cultivation depends on several factors, such as the climate, growing conditions, and market demand. Here are some types that are commonly grown in polyhouses:

  1. Alleppey Finger – This variety is well-suite for polyhouse cultivation as it has a high yield and is disease-resistant. It is also known for its aromatic flavor and deep orange colour.
  2. Roma – This variety is famous for its high curcumin content, which is responsible for its medicinal properties. It is also disease-resistant and has a good yield.
  3. Suguna – This variety is well-suited for polyhouse cultivation as it has a high yield and is disease-resistant. It has a bright yellow colour and a mild flavor, making it popular in the food industry.
  4. Prathibha – This variety is known for its high yield and disease resistance. It has a deep orange colour and a slightly bitter taste.
  5. Suvarna – This variety is well-suited for polyhouse cultivation as it has a high yield and is disease-resistant. It has a bright yellow colour and a mild flavor, making it popular in the food industry.

When selecting turmeric varieties for polyhouse cultivation, it is important to consider the specific growing conditions in the polyhouse, such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity. It is also important to assess market demand and the intended use of turmeric, such as for medicinal or culinary purposes. The selected variety should be disease-resistant, have a high yield, and meet market demand.

Seed selection and preparation for turmeric cultivation in a polyhouse:

Seed selection and preparation are critical in turmeric cultivation, even in a polyhouse. Here are the steps involve:

  1.  Seed selection: Select high-quality turmeric seeds that are disease-free and uniform in size. Purchasing seeds from a reputable supplier or using seeds saved from a previous crop is a recommendation.
  2. Seed treatment: To prevent seed-borne diseases, the seeds to be treat with a fungicide or a biocontrol agent. Soak the seeds in a 1% Bordeaux mixture solution or a biocontrol agent for 30 minutes before planting.
  3. Bed preparation: Prepare the beds with well-drain soil that is rich in organic matter. The beds should rise to prevent waterlogging and drip irrigation should be install to provide water directly to the roots of the plants.
  4. Seed planting: The seeds must plant at a depth of 5-7 cm and space 20-25 cm apart. Cover the beds with a thin layer of soil or mulch to maintain moisture and prevent weed growth.
  5. Germination and growth: The seeds will germinate within 2-3 weeks, and the plants will start to grow. The polyhouse environment should be maintained at a temperature of 25-30°C and relative humidity of 60-70% for optimal growth. Adequate ventilation and lighting should also be provided.

  6. Thinning and weeding: Once the plants have grown to a height of 15-20 cm, they should be thin to ensure proper spacing between the plants. Weeding should also be done regularly to prevent competition for nutrients and water.
  7. Fertilization: The plants should be fertilized with a balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The fertilizer should be apply at regular intervals to ensure optimal growth.

Overall, seed selection and preparation are critical steps in turmeric cultivation, even in a polyhouse. The plants can grow healthy and yield a high-quality crop by following these steps.

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