Net House

Greenhouse Shade Net

Greenhouse Shade Net


Greenhouse Shade Net are the superior quality which is efficient enough to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity required for the growth of the planted saplings and crops. Our offered net houses are very long lasting and they have the ability to provide the required sunlight and shade even in very hot summers and cold winters.


Greenhouse Shade Net For Poly House

Shade Net For Poly House is also used in green house & nethouse.

Pests and insects cause immense damage to the yield by feeding on or sucking the plant, depositing eggs on the crop and spreading disease.

How do the Nets Work?

  • Nethouses: Light Weight frames with poles and cables that support the net.
  • Greenhouses: Air Vents are covered with nets, or all the greenhouse walls are made of nets.
  • Walk-in Tunnels: completely covered with net, or covered with net and PE sheets.
  • OptiNet is a sophisticated new-generation anti-insect net that integrates physical and optical protection.

Anti Insect Nets:

  • 17-mesh net: For protection against fruit files (Mediterranean fruit fly and Fig fruit fly) in orchards and vineyards,Grape moth and Pomegranate Deudorix livia.
  • 25-mesh net: For protection against mediterranean fruit fly in peppers.
  • 40-mest net: For partial blocking of white flies where climatic conditions do not allow the use of 50 mesh nets.

polyester netting which has insecticide bound to the external surface of the netting fibre using a resin; polyethylene which has insecticide incorporated into the fibre and polypropylene which has insecticide incorporated into the fibre.

These nets come with a guarantee of 5 Years against UV degradation.

Introduction to greenhouse shade netting:

Greenhouse shade netting is a vital component in modern greenhouse cultivation. It refers to the use of specially designed nets or screens to regulate the amount of sunlight reaching the plants within a greenhouse. Shade netting plays a crucial role in creating optimal growing conditions, protecting crops from excessive heat, reducing evaporation, and managing light intensity.

The primary purpose of using shade nets in greenhouses is to control the amount of sunlight that enters the structure. Excessive sunlight exposure can lead to heat stress, sunburn, and reduced crop productivity. By selectively filtering and diffusing sunlight, shade nets provide a shaded environment, creating a more balanced and favorable climate for plant growth.

Shade nets are typically made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or other materials that offer durability, resistance to UV radiation, and adequate air circulation. They are available in different shade percentages, ranging from 30% to 90% or more, indicating the amount of sunlight they block.

The choice of shade percentage depends on various factors such as the specific crop being grown, local climate conditions, and the desired level of light reduction. Different crops have different light requirements, and shade nets can be customized to meet the specific needs of each crop.

In addition to light regulation, shade nets also provide other benefits in greenhouse cultivation. They can help reduce water loss through evaporation, minimize wind damage, protect plants from hail, and act as a barrier against pests and insects.

Types of Greenhouse Shade Nets:

  1. Polyethylene (HDPE) Shade Nets: Polyethylene shade nets are the most commonly used type of shade netting in greenhouses. They are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material, which provides durability, resistance to UV radiation, and good air circulation. These shade nets are available in various shade percentages, allowing growers to choose the appropriate level of light reduction for their crops.
  2. Aluminized Shade Nets: Aluminized shade nets are designed to reflect a significant portion of sunlight away from the greenhouse. They are constructed with a layer of aluminum coating on one side, which helps in reflecting the sun’s rays. Aluminized shade nets are particularly effective in reducing heat buildup and can provide additional cooling benefits to the greenhouse.
  3. Woven Shade Nets: Woven shade nets are made by interlacing woven threads, resulting in a more robust and durable structure. These nets provide excellent protection against strong winds, hail, and pests. Woven shade nets come in various shade percentages and are known for their longevity and resistance to tearing.
  4. Knitted Shade Nets: Knitted shade nets are manufactured by knitting monofilament or tape threads together, creating a more flexible and stretchable material. They offer good ventilation, allowing air to pass through the netting, which can help in maintaining a healthy microclimate inside the greenhouse. Knitted shade nets are available in different shade percentages and are often preferred for their lightweight and easy installation.
  5. Thermal Shade Nets: Thermal shade nets are designed to provide shade while also reducing heat buildup inside the greenhouse. They are constructed with special materials that have thermal properties, reflecting infrared radiation and preventing excessive heating. Thermal shade nets are especially useful in regions with hot climates, as they can significantly lower the temperature and create a more suitable environment for crop growth.

  6. Insect-Proof Shade Nets: Insect-proof shade nets offer shade while acting as a barrier against pests and insects. These nets have a finer mesh size, preventing the entry of common greenhouse pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. Insect-proof shade nets provide both shade and pest protection, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and promoting healthier plant growth.
  7. Color-Specific Shade Nets: Color-specific shade nets are designed to filter specific wavelengths of light, targeting the spectrum that can have a significant impact on plant growth and development. For example, red shade nets can promote flowering and fruiting, while blue shade nets can enhance vegetative growth. These shade nets can be used to manipulate the light spectrum and optimize plant responses based on specific crop requirements.

Each type of greenhouse shade net offers unique features and benefits, allowing growers to customize their shading strategies based on their crops, climate conditions, and specific objectives. Choosing the right type of shade net is crucial for creating an ideal growing environment inside the greenhouse.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Greenhouse Shade Net:

  1. Shade Percentage: The shade percentage refers to the amount of sunlight the shade net blocks. Further more, Consider the light requirements of your crops and the local climate to determine the appropriate shade percentage. Different crops have varying shade tolerance, so select a shade net that provides the desired level of light reduction.
  2. Material Quality: Choose a greenhouse shade net made from high-quality materials that are durable and resistant to UV radiation. Further more, Look for shade nets made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or other reputable materials known for their longevity and ability to withstand outdoor conditions.
  3. Ventilation and Air Circulation: Ensure that the chosen shade net allows sufficient air circulation within the greenhouse. Further more, Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining a healthy growing environment and preventing issues like excessive humidity, disease development, and stagnant air. Look for shade nets with a knitted or woven structure that promotes adequate airflow.
  4. Durability and Tear Resistance: Greenhouse shade nets should be able to withstand harsh weather conditions, including wind, rain, and hail. Consider the net’s tear resistance and choose a robust shade net that can withstand potential damages and has a long lifespan.
  5. Temperature Regulation: Some shade nets, such as thermal shade nets, are specifically designed to reduce heat buildup within the greenhouse. If you are located in a region with high temperatures, consider selecting a shade net that provides not only shade but also effective heat reduction properties.

  6. Pest Control: If pest infestations are a concern, consider using an insect-proof shade net. These nets have a fine mesh size that prevents pests from entering the greenhouse while still allowing sufficient airflow and light penetration.
  7. Installation and Maintenance: Consider the ease of installation and maintenance of the shade net. Some shade nets come with built-in grommets or fastening systems that simplify installation. Additionally, choose a shade net that is easy to clean and maintain, as regular cleaning may be necessary to prevent dust accumulation and ensure maximum light transmission.
  8. Budget: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the shade net. Compare prices and features of different shade nets available in the market. While it is important to consider your budget, prioritize quality and long-term durability over the initial cost, as a high-quality shade net can provide better performance and save costs in the long run.
  9. Supplier Reputation: Choose a reputable supplier or manufacturer that provides reliable products and good customer support. Read reviews, seek recommendations, and ensure that the supplier has a track record of delivering quality shade nets.

By considering these factors, you can select a greenhouse shade net that meets your specific requirements, enhances plant growth, and contributes to the overall success of your greenhouse cultivation.

Installation and Maintenance of Greenhouse Shade Nets:


  1. Measure and Prepare: Begin by measuring the dimensions of your greenhouse to determine the required size of the shade net. Ensure that the greenhouse frame is clean and free from any debris or sharp objects that could potentially damage the shade net.
  2. Secure the Frame: If your greenhouse has a fixed frame, ensure it is structurally sound and stable. Repair any damaged or weak areas before installing the shade net. If using a movable shade system, make sure the mechanism is in good working condition.
  3. Attach Fasteners: Use appropriate fasteners such as clips, hooks, or ropes to secure the shade net to the greenhouse frame. Further more, Attach them at regular intervals along the edges of the shade net. For easier installation and removal, consider using grommets or eyelets in the shade net fabric.
  4. Spread the Shade Net: Unroll or unfold the shade net over the greenhouse structure, starting from one end and working your way to the other. Further more, Ensure the shade net is evenly spread and properly aligned, with no sagging or bunching.
  5. Tensioning and Adjustments: Apply tension to the shade net by tightening the fasteners. Adjust the tension as needed to achieve a taut and smooth installation. Periodically check the tension and make adjustments if the shade net starts to sag or loosen over time.


  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean the shade net periodically to remove dust, debris, and any organic matter that may accumulate. Further more, This can be done using a gentle water spray or by carefully brushing the netting. Clean shade nets allow maximum light transmission and prevent the buildup of pathogens or pests.
  2. Inspect for Damage: Regularly inspect the shade net for any signs of damage, such as tears, holes, or frayed edges. Repair or replace damaged sections promptly to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the shade net.
  3. Seasonal Adjustments: Consider adjusting the shade net or removing it entirely during certain seasons or weather conditions. For example, during winter or colder months, you may want to remove the shade net to maximize sunlight and heat gain. In contrast, during excessively hot periods, you may adjust the shade net to provide increased shading and temperature regulation.
  4. Monitor Airflow and Ventilation: Ensure that the shade net does not obstruct proper airflow and ventilation within the greenhouse. Further more, Periodically check the openings and vents to ensure they are clear and unobstructed.
  5. Replace as Needed: Over time, shade nets may degrade due to exposure to sunlight, weather conditions, or physical wear and tear. Monitor the condition of the shade net and replace it when necessary to maintain optimal shading and protection for your plants.

By following these installation and maintenance guidelines, you can ensure the effective functioning and longevity of your greenhouse shade net. Further more, Regular maintenance and inspections will help maximize the benefits of shading, protect your crops, and contribute to successful greenhouse cultivation.

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