Coco Peat For Agriculture

Coco Peat

Coco Peat

Coco Peat For Agriculture is also use in polyhouse.

  • Fiber Contains: 3% to 10%
  • EC: 0.5 % to 0.9 %
  • PH: 5% to 6.5%
  • 5KG/ Block
  • Truckload 16 Tons (Approx 3200 Blocks)
  • Tax-Free item

What is coco peat and what is its purpose?

If you have ever openes a coconut and notice the fiber-like and stringy interior, that is the basis for cocopeat for agriculture.  It is use in planting and comes in several forms. Cocopeat for plants is also known as coir. It is widely available and a traditional liner for wire baskets. What is Coco Peat? Potting soil is readily available and easy to use, but it has its drawbacks. It often doesn’t drain well and may contain peat, which is strip mine and causes environmental damage.

An alternative is cocopeat soil. Planting in cocopeat provides numerous benefits while recycling what was once a useless product. Cocopeat soil is made from the pith inside a coconut husk. It is naturally anti-fungal, making it an excellent choice to start seed but it is also uses in rugs, ropes, brushes, and as stuffing. Cocopeat gardening is also uses as a soil amendment, potting mix, and in hydroponic production.

Note: We suggest cocopeat before test water.

Composition and properties of coco peat

Coco peat, also known as coir pith or coir dust, is a natural byproduct derive from the fibrous material found between the hard shell and the outer husk of coconuts. It is widely uses as a growing medium in horticulture and gardening. Here are the composition and properties of coco peat:


  1. Organic matter: Coco peat primarily comprises organic material derive from coconut husks. It consists of cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose, which provide structure and stability to the material.
  2. High fiber content: Coco peat contains a significant amount of fiber, making it a suitable medium for root development and aeration.
  3. Nutrient content: While coco peat itself has a low nutrient content, it can absorb and retain nutrients for the benefit of plants. It acts as a reservoir, slowly releasing essential elements over time.


  1. Water retention: One of the key properties of coco peat is its ability to hold water. It has high water-holding capacity and can retain up to 10 times its weight in water. This property helps in maintaining optimal moisture levels for plant growth, reducing the frequency of watering.
  2. Aeration: Coco peat has excellent air-fill porosity. It allows for the movement of air within the medium, promoting oxygen availability to plant roots. Adequate aeration prevents waterlogging and root suffocation.
  3. pH neutrality: Coco peat has a near-neutral pH range of 5.5 to 6.5, which is suitable for most plants. It provides a balance environment for root development and nutrient uptake.
  4. Cation exchange capacity (CEC): Coco peat has a high CEC, which refers to its ability to attract, retain, and exchange positively charged ions (cations). This property enables coco peat to hold and slowly release essential plant nutrients, making them available to the plants over time.
  5. Sterility: Coco peat has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties, which help in reducing the risk of diseases and pathogens in the growing medium. It provides a sterile environment for seed germination and plant growth.
  6. Renewable and sustainable: Coco peat is an eco-friendly and renewable resource. It is a byproduct of the coconut industry and helps reduce waste and environmental impact.

These compositions and properties make coco peat a highly favourable growing medium in various horticultural and gardening applications.

Production process and sources of coco peat

Coco peat, also known as coir pith or coir dust, is produced as a byproduct of the coconut industry. The production process involves several steps. Here is an overview of the production process and the sources of coco peat:

Production process:

  1. Collection of coconut husks: The first step in the production process is the collection of coconut husks. Coconut husks are the hard outer covering of coconuts. They are collects from coconut farms or coconut processing units.
  2. Extraction of fibres: Once the coconut husks are collects, they undergo defibering. In this process, the long fibers from the husks are separated. These fibers are use for various purposes, such as making ropes, mats, and other coir products.
  3. Removal of coir pith: After extracting the fibres, the remaining material is the coir pith or coco peat. Coir pith is the fibrous material between the hard shell and the fibers. It is collects and separats from the fibers through mechanical or manual methods.
  4. Washing and buffering: The collects coir pith is then washes to remove any impurities, salts, or tannins in the material. Washing helps in reducing the high natural potassium and sodium content of coir pith. After washing, the coir pith is buffer by soaking it in water or a calcium-based solution to bring down the pH level and improve its suitability as a growing medium.
  5. Drying and processing: The washes and buffer coir pith is spread out to dry in the sun or using mechanical drying methods. Drying reduces the moisture content of the material, making it suitable for packaging and transportation. Once dries, the coir pith is process and sieved to remove any remaining impurities or large particles.
  6. Packaging and distribution: The process coco peat is then package into various forms, such as blocks, discs, or loose fill, depending on the intende application. It is usually compresss into compact blocks or bags for easy handling and transportation. Coco peat is distributes and sold to horticultural and gardening markets worldwide.

Sources of coco peat:

Coco peat is primarily source from countries with a significant coconut industry, including India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. These countries have a large supply of coconut husks as a byproduct of coconut cultivation and processing. The quality and characteristics of coco peat can vary base on the specific region and the processing methods employed.

Overall, the production of coco peat involves the extraction of fibers from coconut husks, follows by collecting, washing, buffering, drying, and processing of the coir pith to produce the final product.

Benefits and advantages of using coco peat as a growing medium

Using coco peat as a growing medium offers several benefits and advantages in horticulture and gardening. Here are some of the key benefits of using coco peat:

  1. Excellent water retention: Coco peat has a high water-holding capacity, allowing it to retain moisture for extended periods. It helps prevent underwatering and provides a steady supply of moisture to plant roots. This property is especially beneficial in arid or dry climates where water conservation is essential.
  2. Enhance aeration: Coco peat has good air-filled porosity, allowing for proper oxygenation of plant roots. It promotes healthy root development and prevents waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. The airy structure of coco peat facilitates the exchange of gases and promotes a healthy root environment.
  3. Nutrient retention and release: Coco peat has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC), which means it can retain and release essential plant nutrients. It acts as a nutrient reservoir, absorbing and holding onto nutrients and gradually releasing them to plants as needs. This property reduces the frequency of fertilization and helps maintain a balance nutrient supply.
  4. pH neutrality: Coco peat has a near-neutral pH range of 5.5 to 6.5, which is suitable for a wide range of plants. It provides a balance environment for root growth and nutrient uptake. Additionally, coco peat’s pH neutrality allows for easy pH level adjustment based on specific plant requirements.
  5. Sterility and disease resistance: Coco peat has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties, reducing the risk of soil-borne diseases and pathogens. It provides a sterile and clean growing medium, which is beneficial for seed germination and young plant establishment.
  6. Renewable and sustainable: Coco peat is an eco-friendly and renewable resource. It is a byproduct of the coconut industry, utilizing a waste material that would otherwise be discard. Using coco peat as a growing medium contributes to sustainable agriculture and reduces environmental impact.

  7. Lightweight and easy to handle: Coco peat is lightweight, making it easy to handle, transport, and work with. It is available in compress blocks or bags that can be expand with water. Its lightweight nature also helps in reducing the overall weight of container gardens or hanging baskets.
  8. Improve soil structure: When mixes with soil or other growing media, coco peat improves the overall structure of the soil. It helps loosen heavy soils, increases water-holding capacity in sandy soils, and promotes better drainage in compact soils.
  9. Versatility and adaptability: Coco peat can be use in various horticultural applications, including seed starting, potting mixes, hydroponics, and soilless cultivation. It is suitable for various plants, including vegetables, fruits, flowers, and ornamentals.
  10. Longevity and reusability: Coco peat has a long lifespan and can be reuse multiple times with proper management. To extend its usability, it can be refresh, rehydrate, and amend with nutrients.

The benefits of using coco peat as a growing medium include its water retention capabilities, improves aeration, nutrient retention and release, pH neutrality, disease resistance, sustainability, lightweight nature, and versatility in various gardening applications.

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