Tag: How to build Shade net house
How to build Shade net house, or shade cloth can provide a more secure environment for your plants. It keeps out unwanted pests while still allowing light to shine through, giving your plants a more controlled environment.
However, there are certain precautions you’ll need to take when installing a Shade net around your polyhouse.
Here are some tips on how to do it correctly, how to build shade net house ?
- Purchase only high-quality shade fabric. Cheaply made materials will disintegrate easily and leave gaps for rodents and pests to get inside—not good!
- High-quality materials also last longer without shrinking or deteriorating.
- Measure carefully. This isn’t something you want to cut corners on. Be careful with measurements.
- Attempt guessing how much fabric is ok per panel.
- It’s better to make multiple trips back and forth from home improvement stores rather than buy too little at once.
- Choose sturdy posts. The posts should be at least 12 inches tall.
- Ideally, they have square ends so nothing gets in between them. Drive at least three supports into the ground every five feet. Along both sides of each edge is where you install shade net.
- If possible, place rocks or other weights at their bases so they don’t blow over in strong winds.
Providing shade in fields where crops grow under sunlight. Agricultural shade nets are one of many tools for protecting plants from extreme heat. More precisely, shade nets protect leaves and stalks from harmful ultraviolet rays.
These nets are especially useful for young seedlings that are growing beneath or near taller crops that may otherwise cast shadows over them. They also protect newly planted trees when they’re vulnerable to burning due to direct sunlight.