Tag: Wire Rope Net House V Big Gripper
The easy-to-clean wire rope net house v Big Gripper (a unique, all-in-one patio product) both offer advantages that make them worth consideration when it comes to outdoor living spaces.
Big Gripper and Wire Rope Net House are two designs that are used to support climbing plants over fences, walls, trellises and other garden obstacles. Both designs are extremely popular.
Differences Between Wire Rope Net House v Big Gripper
There are some differences between wire rope net houses and big grippers that may make one structure a better choice for your particular application.
This post will discuss some of these differences, but it is important to remember that every project is different and every situation unique, so your personal situation may call for you to select one or more different methods than what we’ve outlined here.
These are just some things to consider if you need help choosing between wire rope net houses and big grippers.
- Big grippers are often hand powered, while wire rope net houses typically rely on an engine to operate.
- Wire rope net houses can be quite complicated to use, whereas, in contrast, big grippers are relatively simple and straightforward.
- Wire rope net houses require multiple people working together to operate them effectively.
They both serve a very important purpose in climbing trees – keeping a worker safe – but only one does it better than its counterpart. Understanding these two climbing systems will help you decide which product best fits your needs as a tree climber.