Tag: Fruit Covering Bag for green house
Fruit Covering Bag for green house
Fruit Covering Bag for green house is used to protect your fruit in polyhouse, green house and open filed agriculture.
- Non-Wowen Version Fruit Covering Bag
- UV Stabilized
- 100 % Version
- GSM: 65 & 70
- Color: Green/blue/yello
- Size: 9 X 8.75 (in Inch)
- Crop: Thai Guava, Mango etc.
- Multi Use: Yes
Modifications in bags have been made that allow pollen collection without opening the bag in order minimise contamination. These bags have provision on one side that allows attachment of a plastic tube in which pollen can be collected after shaking the bag. Bags for female flowers sometimes have nozzles for introducing the pollen without any need for them to open.
Plant breeders have often faced a problem of opening of bags at the seams. Glued seams do not hold long under variable weather conditions frequented with rains. Pollination tents are also used for controlled pollination.
Advantages Of Fruit Protection Bags :
- The bag is sealed with iron wire, which strongly resist wind.
- Fruits can breathe can inside the bag & The bag paper is waterproof against rain.
- The bag can avoid fruits being hurt by strong sunshine, germs, birds & files.
- Help fruits get colour, increase sugar, promote maturity and weight.
- Bag helps create a uniform colour & avoid shading.
- Avoids the wastage cause from various climatic conditions.
- Bag helps to maintaine a constant temperature inside which helps the fruit grow faster.
- Helps to grow the fruit in an organic way.
- Bags can be reused if used with proper care.