Tag: Agricultural Insect Net
Agricultural insect net are most commonly used in greenhouses. These tools are great additions because they not only protect plants from insects but also prevent pests from flying into greenhouses. Insects can be incredibly destructive to flowers and crops.
The plant covers not only make it hard for insects to reach plants, but they also prevent pests from spreading disease through cross-contamination between greenhouses. Make sure you are purchasing high-quality insect nets with durable material.
- Uses of Agricultural Insect Net in Greenhouse
Insect net helps in protecting plants from harmful insects and also in blocking the entry of aphids, whiteflies, small bugs etc. Into plant beds that damage root systems. In fact, there are lots of benefits of using Insect nets in the Greenhouse environment. Which helps in optimizing greenhouse management.
Following are some ways through which you can get optimal results from using insect nets.
By putting up many screens around a single crop. One is able to block larger pests such as birds and other mammals. While allowing smaller insects like beneficial spiders and ladybugs access.
By doing so we not only maintain a clean healthy environment for growing crops. But we’re also able to provide shelter and food for other living organisms like butterflies and bees. Which ultimately help in better growth of crops as well as reduce the rate of pests attacks on the same crops.